Our amazing pictures of life in Hampshire…

Our amazing pictures of life in Hampshire…

March 17, 2012By Kate

A big thankyou again to Dave Gibbons for his beautiful Hampshire inspired pictures – to view our whole library, please click on our Facebook page and go to photos, or take a look at his website http://www.dave-gibbons.com/

Best of British Festival

Best of British Festival

March 16, 2012By Kate

Winchester is proud to be marking The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and the run up to the Olympic and Paralympic Games with a series of special events showcasing everything that makes Britain great. Between 25 May and 26 July 2012 the whole district will be marking the occasion in a Best of British Festival.  To read … Read More

Spring is finally here…

Spring is finally here…

March 13, 2012By Kate

Just as all the trees and plants are coming into bloom – so are we!  Spring is the most popular time of the year to move as people come out of hibernation and get focused on school admissions and new beginnings.  Property also tends to show much better at this time of year for buyers … Read More

goosechase website goes live!

goosechase website goes live!

March 2, 2012By Kate

Finally, after months of creative brainstorming and development, our website has gone live.  We have tried to make it as informative and user friendly as possible. Thanks to Chris Bruty at Habanero Design and Dave Gibbons at Dave Gibbons Photography, we feel this has been achieved.  However, we are always open to ideas and constructive … Read More

Council Tax set to be frozen

Council Tax set to be frozen

February 22, 2012By Kate

As reported in the Hampshire Chronicle, council tax looks set to be frozen for the next year for Winchester residents.  To read the full story, please CLICK HERE