As you approach your completion date, here are our top tips for being super organised on the day.

1. Choose the right removal company
If you don’t have too many possessions you might decide to move yourself but never underestimate the energy and stress involved in this – make sure you book a van well in advance. You may want to call in the professionals to help you move house. It will relieve some of the stress of the big move. You can arrange for it all to be done for you, and pay for the privilege, or you can do the packing yourself but leave the heavy stuff to the experts. use a removal company who is a member of the British Association of Removers. Always get at least 3 quotes before deciding and ask around for recommendations too and remember you get what you pay for. Don’t just let the removal company quote on room size, as they may arrive on moving day and find that you have more possessions than they have room in their van for. Alert them to valuable, delicate or large objects so they’re aware they need to handle them with care

2. Make sure your possessions are insured for transit
Most removal companies provide this but check what it covers and whether there are exclusions. For example, anything you pack may not be covered by the removal firm’s insurance. And if you are planning to transport any precious items yourself, check that these are covered when in transit by your contents insurance.

3. Create a ‘To Do’ List
of all the jobs you need to do and things you need to organise and tick the items off as you complete them – very satisfying!

4. Declutter and organise your belongings
The more you get rid of the less boxes you will have to pack. Moving is the perfect opportunity to have a good clear out. Be ruthless, and remember that although you don’t need or want something anymore, someone else might so take your unwanted items to the charity shops, do a car boot sale or even sell them on line.

5. Change of address
There is always a long list of people to inform about your move. Try to do this as far in advance as you can. This can include family and friends, schools, employers, banks, doctors and dentists, DVLA to name a few.

6. Utilities / Service providers
As well as making sure that your current providers are aware of your move, see who offers the best deal on Gas and Electricity at your new home. The size and postcode of your new home will affect your gas bill so it is worth investigating all the options.
Let your broadband supplier know as soon as possible that you are moving to ensure you are not penalised for shutting down your account. Read the meters at the new house and find out who your supplier is to make sure you don’t pay for gas and electricity that the previous owners have used.

7. Packing your boxes
Make sure that you have enough packing boxes, bubble wrap, tape and scissors – you can never have too much. Ikea bags and zipped laundry bags come in very handy too!
Create a room plan for the new house that you can give to anyone helping with the move and label or colour code your packing boxes accordingly. This should make sure that everything is in the right place at your new house.

8. Pack at least one Essential box
This should contain everything you will need for moving day. Include items such as cleaning products, the kettle, cutlery, a toolkit, snacks, essential toiletries, pen and paper etc. It’s a good idea to do this for the children as well so that they know where there favourite toy is!

9. Make a plan for pets and children
If you have young children get someone to look after them for the day. It will be less stressful all round. The same goes for pets – or book them into kennels or a cattery. Make sure they have identity tags with their new address.

10. Professional Cleaners
If the thought of cleaning at your new home after a long day is daunting it may be a good idea to hire professional cleaners to get the house ready for your arrival. It is lovely to arrive at freshly cleaned house.